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Kavarna is a small Black Sea coastal town in the Dobrudja region of northeastern Bulgaria, with a population of about 12 500.
The town is situated 48 km north of Varna, 49 km from Dobrich and just 12 km away from the picturesque Kaliakra cape.
The coast to the north of the town is high and steep, while the south of the town boasts with an excellent beach, the coastline being 42 km long.
Place of interest is Kaliakra, also an archeological and natural preserve. There are several museums in the town, which deserve to be visited, as well as two churches.
The Dobrudja area offers good conditions for hunting tourism. A significant amount of mineral spas, as well as deposits of healing mud are located on the territory of the region.
Kavarna is becoming an attractive tourist site for golf-lovers too. This is due to the construction of two new golf courses — one is to be between the town of Balchik and the town of Kavarna and the other — along the coastline, near the sea.
In recent years Kavarna has started to become a place where a lot of concerts of popular Bulgarian and world-known bands are organized (Deep Purple, Scorpions, Nazareth, etc.). The town also hosts national and international folk festivals and other cultural events.
The town of Kavarna is situated 20 km. away from Shabla in the North-East Bulgaria,Kavarna municipality.The population of the town is about 13000 inhabitants.
Kavarna is located only 2 km. from the sea. The Municipality of Kavarna has a unique natural potential, which is determinative for its tourist aspect and the prospects for development of ecotourism in all of its forms -the region keeps the traditions in vegetable growing,vine dressing,fruit-growing and grain-production.
The resort part of the city is situated around a bay formed by a rivulet, called Dolinata na Avligite.
Kavarna is one of the ancient cities (7000 — 3000 years BC) along our Black Sea Coast. On the place of the nowadays city existed an ancient Thracian settlement. During V c. AC the Greek colonials found the colony of Bizone on the cape of Chirakman, but in the first half of 1st c. AC, during a catastrophic earthquake, the fore-part of the cape collapsed and the largest part of the city sank into the sea.
At the time of the Roman Empire the city was restored under the same name and quickly prospered. During VII c. it was destroyed by Slav and proto-Bulgarian tribes, who inhabited the cape of Chirakman and found the settlement of Karvuna. During the Medieval period Karvuna was already a famous city. In the beginning of XV c. the city was mentioned for first time under its nowadays name.