Increased interest in commercial properties in Bulgaria.
From the beginning of 2014 the investments in commercial properties in Bulgaria are 114 million euro — 54% more compared to 2013 year.
The global European and Bulgarian markets for commercial properties will increase it temps in the next 2 years.
Today, Europe is in the focus of the international community. The capital invested in Europe is significantly larger, than those made outside of the continent.
The investments that were made North America to Europe from the period of January to September, 2014 year, for commercial properties are 38.6 milliard euros.
On the other hand, investments made from Europe to North America are around 10 milliard euros — the flow of investments is around 29 milliard euros in favor of Europe.
Our agency BiB Group predicts that the demand will expand into new countries and markets and the interest to the new constructions will grow more.
According to the latest data, the volume of investments in properties in Bulgaria have reached 114 million euro, since the beginning of 2014 year. This is 54 % more that all the registered investments in 2013.
The investments in real economy are expected to increase in 2015 year. The main factors for the demand in different segments of the market will be — technology companies, outsourcing companies, development of electronic commerce and changes in the supply chains.
There is a growing international presence on all the sectors of the market of commercial properties. The general trend is to increase the requirements for the size and to return the international investors in Bulgaria.
Our agency believes that regardless of the location of the business, most important is the human resource. The presence of young and educated people combined with the costs for risk and the political factors, determinate the choice for location.
There is a clear trend with the choice of office. At the moment leading companies aren`t from the financial sector, but from the technology and media sphere. This gives great opportunities for development on the Bulgarian market.
On one hand new companies from the technology sector can be attracted, and on other companies from the financial sector arising from their main markets and various processes for optimization.
The global trends on the Bulgarian market can be seen even now. The part of IT and outsourcing sector, the use of end-users in offices has increased from 40% in 2012 to 52% in the first nine months of 2014 year.
The big demand of quality areas has turned the office areas in a leading sector of the real estates. The demand continues to increase but the expansion and extensions of lease contracts prevails.
During the third quarter of 2014 the investment market had been most active compared to the falls from 2009 to the beginning of 2014.
Commercial properties
Several world trends in the trade.
The commercial chains prefer to expand in the big, well developed towns in countries where they already exist. The interest in small, undeveloped towns is smaller.
The new markets first test online trading, develop new channels, methods for sale and delivery.
Bulgaria doesn`t make exception to those trends. The international retailers continue their expansions in the most important locations. In future the network will be developed in the existing shopping centers and streets due to a weakening in the new construction.
The demand of areas in the shopping centers continues to be stable and the tenants continue to dictate their conditions.
Rents remain high despite of the large choice.
Bulgaria provides opportunities for invest in undervalued assets in the commercial segment.
The trends in the global trade segment doesn`t exclude to affect the logistics segment — their desire to be closer to the customer and to shorten the delivery time is larger.
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